I was born in the mid 1960s. Growing up, I don’t remember ever being terrified of any “illness”. If we went to the doctor, the doctor may have said, “It’s some type of virus; it just needs to run its course”. Illness was nothing to be feared. Reflecting this culture is a 1969 Brady Bunch episode where all the kids got measles. No one went to the doctor. Yes, they had fever and a rash, but measles just had to run it’s course. In the episode, Marcia Brady famously said, 'If you have to get sick, sure can't beat the measles.'
In complete contrast to the attitude in the 60s and 70s, today’s media promotes fear and pushes many diseases as eminent death; unless of course, you’re vaccinated. TV/Media used to reflect the current culture. However, current media and industries (Big Pharma) have learned how to use their outlets to direct culture. Currently, media and health agencies are promoting fear of measles and pushing for everyone to get vaccinated. Do we really need to fear measles?
An older story has resurfaced as an example of what can happen if your child is not vaccinated. Roald Dahl was the author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In 1962, his daughter, Olivia, died tragically of encephalitis after being diagnosed with measles. This story is used to show why we must get our kids vaccinated. But there’s always another side to the story. This quote is from a Biography.com article on Dahl.
“Questions about his daughter's death always haunted Dahl. Olivia had received a smallpox vaccination but never demonstrated an immune system response afterward. Dahl wondered if an abnormal reaction to this vaccine had played a part in her later developing encephalitis. He spent years writing to doctors about this possibility and even considered setting up a study to evaluate his theory.”
Did you know that postvaccinal encephalitis (PVE) is a rare complication of smallpox vaccination? This article is not about the influence pharmaceutical companies have over media, but suffice it to to say that Big Pharma is responsible for millions of dollars in ad revenue for media companies. Of course they’re trying to direct the narrative. We are bombarded with the message “get your children vaccinated so they don’t die of encephalitis”. The fact is that many things cause encephalitis, including many common vaccines given today.
Another case that the media uses to shame anti-vaxxers is the case of a boy named Samuel. This headline, like many others, promotes fear and is a call to action.
'My son, 6, died after catching measles - parents should get their children vaccinated with the MMR jab as soon as possible'
But the action is always to vaccinate. It’s never about nutrition or the body’s ability to self-heal, and always ignores the risks of vaccines. We need to look deeper. The story told is that Samuel “caught” measles in 2014 when he was two years old. Scientists say that measles can cause encephalitis years later. Five years later, when Samuel was seven, he died of SSPE, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. The reality is that Samuel was a very sick boy for years. He was on a delayed vaccine program due to his constant chest infections which later was diagnosed as asthma. So he did get some vaccines. And ironically, maybe his chest infections and asthma were caused by those early vaccines. After his “measles” bout, I’m sure he continued to catch up on the rest of his vaccines. Also, how long was Samuel on antibiotics and asthma medication? We know many vaccines come with a risk of causing encephalitis, and so do antibiotics. Samuel was not some average healthy boy that caught “measles” and died. He was a very sick boy. There’s always more to the story. We just need to look.
Did Vaccines Cause Measles Deaths to Plummet?
In March of 1963, a live vaccine was approved for use in the United States. However, this vaccine had many bad side effects. Soon after, an inactivated vaccine was released. This one had less side effects but also caused less antibody reaction. By 1968, a total of only about 15 million kids had either of these vaccines. At this time, the inactivated vaccine was pulled off the market and a new and improved live attenuated vaccine was released. This new vaccine had less side effects and is the one currently used today. By 1968, when the vaccine science had finally been settled, measles cases and deaths had plummeted. There were zero deaths and only 11 cases per 100,000. That’s .00011 case rate. We also have no other information on these “measles” cases. How many of these kids had comorbidities or other vaccine injuries like Olivia or Samuel? We will never know.
In 1971, the MMR vaccine was released combining measles, mumps and rubella vaccines into one shot. However, a large portion of the population still did not jump to vaccinate their children. At this point, there was no vaccine law. There was no requirement for vaccination to attend school. There was no government program for “free” vaccines. If a parent wanted for their children to be vaccinated, they would have to pay for it. Many parents did not see the benefit.
“Measles was such a common disease and its mortality was comparatively low,” says Graham Mooney, an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine. “People had more problems than measles.”
“Public apathy in the face of infectious disease has always been a problem for public health,” Mooney says. The problem wasn’t the hesitancy seen today so much as complacency.
“Many mothers simply have not been educated about the benefits of and need for immunization,” noted the New York State Department of Health in 1971. That same year, Hilleman combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccines into a single MMR shot to cut down kids’ total jabs.
If mothers needed to be educated on the benefits and need of immunization of measles, was measles really an issue? I think not. The graph below shows that vaccine coverage for 1-4 year old’s never broke 70% until much later. Left to free will and a free market, I have no doubt that this level would have continued to creep down, as you can see the down tick happening in 1986. However, we do not live in a free market.
By 1980, pharmaceutical companies’ lobbying efforts finally got all states on board to require measles vaccination to attend school. In 1988, Congress passed the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to remove liability for the harms and deaths caused by vaccines. In 1993, the Comprehensive Child Immunization Act was passed. This act mandated following the CDC vaccine schedule, required outreach and vaccine education programs, required states to reach immunization goals, and to pay for vaccines in poor and underserved communities. These two bills no doubt were initiated by Big Pharma lobbying and giving to Congressmen’s campaign funds. This, my friends, is legal bribery. None of this was done to save children. None of this was done with your health in mind. It was just a financial transaction. ‘We Congressman pass these laws, and you Pharmaceutical companies contribute to our campaign fund.’ This is still going on today.
Measles, like many other “viruses”, is said to spread via droplets in sneezes and coughs of someone sick with that disease. However, virologists cannot find the “virus” directly in these droplets. Virologists say that “viruses” need a cell to multiply. The isolation process is as follows: Assumed infected material from a sick person is cultured in a monkey kidney cell culture with culture medium (DMEM), antibiotics and antifungals. Also added to this culture is bovine serum at 10%. Bovine serum is blood from the heart of an unborn calf fetus still in the womb. The culture is observed for a couple of days. At this point, the cells have adhered to the flask. The fluid of the culture is drained. Now trypsin is used to get the monkey kidney cells unstuck from the flask wall. Yes, the trypsin that is a protein digesting enzyme. This is also a good time to remind the readers that cell membranes are made up of lipids and proteins. What happens when adding a protein digesting enzyme to protein?
When the cells are unstuck from the flask, another culture can begin with those same cells. This is called passaging. Added is more DMEM, more antibiotics (sometimes they double the amount that was in the original culture), and more bovine serum. However, the bovine serum is usually reduced to 2%. Why would they reduce the nutrients for these cells? To stress the cells and cause more cell breakdown. After this 2nd or even more passages, scientists look for changes to the monkey kidney cells (cytopathic effect). Cytopathic effect is when the protein based cell membrane begins to break down. Crazy as this may sound, this technique is considered isolation of the virus and is used as proof of infection. The assumption is that the “virus” is breaking out the cell and that the trypsin and toxic antibiotics had nothing to do with cellular breakdown. Are you buying this? I hope not.
Graphic below from https://x.com/_APWK_/status/1793721535628542174
At this point, they can take that culture mess to the electron microscope. This is where you see the images of what they call viruses. Here’s the EM of the measles virus. We are definitely seeing something in this image. But remember, this started with biological material of an assumed sick person, which was further manipulated in monkey kidney cell culture with multiple chemical and biological additions. The electron microscopy process also adds dehydration, formaldehyde, and heavy metals; then the culture is bombarded with electrons.
In the picture above, which ones are supposed to be the virus. The round ones? The smaller round ones? The oblong ones? The pear shaped ones? The ones that look like a Coke bottle? Does anything in this process prove that a virus exists?
Virologists tell us that “viruses” are transmitted in the biological material of sneezes and coughs. Below is an Electron Microscopy image directly from this material.
No, this is not a joke. There is no image of “viruses” directly in the biological fluid of a “sick” person. The question is: Why can virologists take an EM images of the "virus" after they break out of the monkey kidney cell in culture? But they can't take an EM image of a "sick" person's snot to show all the viruses that have broken out of cells ready to infect someone else. Many excuses follow that question. “There’s not enough viruses to isolate”. “Viruses need a host to multiply.” OK, they were just in a human host for days. According to virologists, viruses enter cells, make millions of copies, then break out ready to infect another cell. There’s supposedly millions outside the cell. Why can’t they find them there?
Measles, like other infectious diseases, is thought to be transmitted from person to person via droplets in sneezes and coughs, and by direct contact. A few experiments were conducted in attempt to prove this natural route of transmission. The most famous is probably the Rosenau experiment in 1918 for the Spanish Flu. Nasal secretions from sick people were sprayed into the nose and mouth of volunteers. No one got sick. Blood was drawn from sick people and injected into healthy people. No one got sick. Finally 13 volunteers entered the quarantine section off the Boston harbor and were exposed to 10 patients each. They talked closely, touched each other, and at the end, each sick person coughed in the face of each volunteer. To repeat, each volunteer had 10 people sick with Spanish Flu cough into their faces while they breathed in. NO one got sick.
More on contagion here: https://x.com/ValZimmer2/status/1660749655913758721
For measles specifically, here is a 1919 JAMA article. Hess is telling us that Sellards has not been able to transmit measles with blood or nasal secretions of “infected” people. I think we should clarify that this is assumed infected people. Hess comments that he has experienced the same with chickenpox.
The following is a paper from Blake and Trask, published in 1920. Many papers provide summaries of related experiments previously done. Here’s the link and screenshot of their summary:
Notice ALL the failed experiments of contagion on humans and animals. Of course some of the animals presented with symptoms. But none of these symptoms were consistent or repeatable. Sometimes just fever would show up. However, just injecting blood or even unfiltered nasal secretions can make the body work to get rid of the foreign/toxic material. And what about blood types? Blood types were not considered. Having a wrong blood type injected can cause fever, rashes, even death. At this point, scientists should probably understand that measles is not contagious and should be looking for other answers. But they never stop. The experiments just get more bizarre and cruel to the animals.
So what type of experiment did Blake and Trask design?
Blake and Trask were determined to use a large amount of unfiltered material believed to contain the virus. In the experiment, the method of inoculation was intratracheal injection of 10cc of nasopharyngeal washings. When administering the fluid into the trachea, whatever was regurgitated was rubbed all around the mouth and nasal area. Does this sound like a natural route of contagion? They did succeed in giving some of these monkeys fevers and some got rashes. They describe some as rashes and some as red dots. The eruptions were mainly in the mouth, head and neck area but some monkeys had them appear elsewhere. Does this prove measles?
No. The unfiltered fluid contained many strains of bacteria and fungus, but also pollen, other air pollutants, dead cell debris, foreign proteins, etc. I find it interesting that this study was done in New York in 1921. In the 1920s, it was well known that New York had significant air pollution issues from industry and burning of coal. Burning coal releases arsenic and sulfur dioxide among other particulates. Both arsenic and sulfur dioxide are known to cause illness including fever and rashes, and even death. Did these pollutants play a part in these illnesses? We don’t know. We do know though, that the body will use mucus to expel toxins. But without accounting for everything in these nasal washings, no result can be attributed to any one part. We do not know if these nasal washings contained arsenic or sulfur dioxide or a “virus”. Nothing was isolated or separated from the sample. In regards to the inoculation method. Have you ever had a little bit of liquid “go down the wrong pipe”? It is not a pleasant experience. The trachea is a direct line to the lungs. Pouring 10cc down the trachea of these monkeys is like pouring 2.5 to 3.5 ounces into the lungs of humans. This method is completely unnatural and causes serious trauma. I’m not sure if the monkeys were anesthetized or tied down for this. Seems that any animal or human would fight to the death to not be drowned. But the paper does not specify. Surprisingly, only one monkey died from pneumonia. In addition, for a valid experiment, controls need to be done. We need to see what happens when the nasal washings of non-sick persons are injected into the lungs in the same manner. The scientific method states controls must be done for a valid scientific experiment. Controls are seldom done in virology.
Another example of these ridiculous animal contagion experiments is from a paper by Anderson and Goldberger from 1911. Blood from patients diagnosed with measles was used to transmit measles to Rhesus monkeys. At first, blood is injected into Rhesus monkeys abdomen. No excitement happens until blood is injected intracerebrally. That’s into the brain.
For more details on this experiment, visit this X thread. https://x.com/ValZimmer2/status/1712833622665736640
Experiments like these are done because scientists cannot prove illness is contagious by the same methods they claim happens in the real world. No one will ever come up to you on the street and inject 3 ounces of nasal washing of someone with fever down your trachea. These cruel animal experiments have been going on for decades and are still going on today. Pasteur could not make a dog sick by injecting saliva from an assumed rabid dog. So how did he prove rabies was contagious? The dog that got the saliva injection did not show symptoms. But if he killed that dog, made an emulsion of its ground up brains and spinal cord, and injected that mess into a 3rd dog’s brain, after drilling a hole in its skull, the 3rd dog would show signs of rabies. Putting an end to virology will also put an end to many of these cruel and unnecessary animal experiments.
The measles virus has never been proven to exist in any isolation process. It is a lie that vaccines brought measles cases and deaths down. Measles cases and deaths plummeted before vaccines were widely used. And would have continued dropping as the environment became less polluted and people became better nourished. Animal experiments to prove contagion have failed miserably. They do not prove that viruses exist either. What they show us are ways that the body tries to heal itself. I’m not saying that people don’t get and feel “sick”. Although, being “sick” is just the body showing symptoms of healing. The more waste and damaged tissue and cells you have in your body, the worse healing crisis you will eventually go through. Do not stop your body’s detox. The body rids itself of wastes and toxins by the liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, and skin. When our bodies incorporate the lungs, intestines and skin for detox, we have been told the lie that these symptoms are caused by viruses and bacteria. The symptoms are not the illness. The “illness” is the cure. Fever is not an illness, it is a cure. Just like measles!
Keep on the lookout for Part 2. Measles: What Is It Good For?
Thanks Val for sharing this information! Looking forward to seeing part 2